Monday, May 29, 2006

A Course of Action

A Course of Action is an exciting new online course that focuses specifically on one of the most fundamental ingredients for success and that is the ability to take action. No matter what you want to create or achieve or accomplish in your life in order to do it you have to take action. You have to engage those parts of you that can take an idea and make it real.

To truly empower yourself to consistently take action you have to dig a little deeper and look at what really drives you to do what you do. We've all had the experience of wanting to create a change or accomplish a goal but after a week we went back to our old ways. Why? Most of the time the problem is not with knowing what to do, but doing what you already know. A Course of Action is specifically designed to eliminate this destructive pattern that not only breaks up your self esteem but also reinforces negative beliefs about what you are really capable of.

One of the major challenges we face today is that we are inundated with information and knowledge. It's coming from everywhere. The truth however is that information and knowledge will not change your life. What will change your life is action. It does not take a complicated idea to change your life, nor does it take many ideas. It takes ideas that you can use and apply. The proper fruit of knowledge is action and it is only your actions that will produce real results in your life. Action is the key ingredient that transforms ideas, desires and information into reality.

If you are really serious about realizing your dreams, goals and ideas, then over the next seven days A Course of Action can help you do just that. Conveniently delivered to your mailbox, in just 30 minutes a day you can learn and apply some fundamental principles that will compel you to take action and create your life the way you really want it. click here to enroll for free>>
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