Monday, May 29, 2006

A Course of Action

A Course of Action is an exciting new online course that focuses specifically on one of the most fundamental ingredients for success and that is the ability to take action. No matter what you want to create or achieve or accomplish in your life in order to do it you have to take action. You have to engage those parts of you that can take an idea and make it real.

To truly empower yourself to consistently take action you have to dig a little deeper and look at what really drives you to do what you do. We've all had the experience of wanting to create a change or accomplish a goal but after a week we went back to our old ways. Why? Most of the time the problem is not with knowing what to do, but doing what you already know. A Course of Action is specifically designed to eliminate this destructive pattern that not only breaks up your self esteem but also reinforces negative beliefs about what you are really capable of.

One of the major challenges we face today is that we are inundated with information and knowledge. It's coming from everywhere. The truth however is that information and knowledge will not change your life. What will change your life is action. It does not take a complicated idea to change your life, nor does it take many ideas. It takes ideas that you can use and apply. The proper fruit of knowledge is action and it is only your actions that will produce real results in your life. Action is the key ingredient that transforms ideas, desires and information into reality.

If you are really serious about realizing your dreams, goals and ideas, then over the next seven days A Course of Action can help you do just that. Conveniently delivered to your mailbox, in just 30 minutes a day you can learn and apply some fundamental principles that will compel you to take action and create your life the way you really want it. click here to enroll for free>>
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What if there was no failure?

They key to taking consistent action is to not try and overcome your fears but to embrace them. One of the most empowering beliefs you can adopt to assist you in becoming more action minded, is to realize that there are no failures, only results. Every action will produce a result and you are the judge and jury as to what that result means. Thomas Edison was the master of this belief. He “failed” more than a thousand times in trying to invent an electric light bulb. He just never saw any of his experiments as failures, but merely saw them as stepping stones; as a series of results that he had to learn from. He trusted that if he kept on going he will eventually achieve the desired result. Although he was ridiculed by all his peers he had persistence and knew that he cannot fail as long as he keeps taking action.

Success or failure is never based on the outcome of the situation but rather on your beliefs about what constitutes success or failure. If there are no failures what would you attempt that you feared in the past? If you had the belief that there are no failures but only results what would you attempt to do? The number one reason why people fail is not because of ability, talent or resources; but because they never even take the first step. They are immobilized by their fear of failing and looking bad. Can it be that not taking action and spending a lifetime wanting something in vain be the ultimate failure? What if taking action and producing a result means success and procrastination means failure? You get to choose.  Read the full article here>>

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Universe Rewards Action

Knowing what to do is rarely the reason why people don’t take the necessary action to produce the results they desire.  Most people know what to do, or at least how to find out what to do in order to make their lives work and have the success they desire. It is not knowing what to do but doing what you know that will most often make the real difference.

There are two very effective ideas that you can adopt and apply in your life right now to help you take action and produce real and measurable results. Firstly, realize that there are no failures, only outcomes. Action, and only action will produce results. Your fears are all made up and often based on other people’s perception of success and failure. Don’t try and fight against your fears, but use it and embrace it as a map or a guide for personal growth. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. When your fear is keeping you from taking action on some idea you should know that the rewards will come from using the fear as a call to take action, despite not feeling “comfortable” doing it. When you take action despite your fears you have to stretch yourself to do something that you previously could not do. Now you’ve grown in your capability to comfortably deal with it. Most of what we fear is based on not knowing the outcome; of feeling uncertain.

When you use fear to grow as a person you use fear like dumbbells to build your emotional muscle. So many books and teachers these days try and tell you how to overcome fear. Why? Fear is your friend and like any friend it only serves you if you treat it well. Trying to overcome it will leave you trying and not getting anywhere. Fear is a normal part of life and like all your emotions it serves a very important purpose in guiding your actions. When you use it you are guided in all your ways. If you ignore it you will be misguided and if you fight it you will always loose.

Don’t try and get everything right.  Just get it started. So often we try to have everything perfect before we even attempt it and all too often we end up never even doing it. Getting it started is far more important as it builds momentum. Action breeds more action. Success is not a single cataclysmic event but rather a series of small successes each leading to and building on each other. Every action you take will produce a result and if you use that result as guidance for taking the next step you will eventually reach your destination.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."  MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

More self improvement articles >> Learn How to Overcome Procrastination

Monday, May 15, 2006

Easy does it, doesn't it?

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."  - Frank Tibolt

One of the major reasons why most people never achieve great is because they fail to even start. If you want to achieve something great the thought of it is often so overwhelming that most people never attempt it. They made it way too big in their heads, because if you think about it every great achievement happens by taking the first step and then taking a series of smaller steps. Neither success (nor failure) is a single cataclysmic event.
When you set out to accomplish something that seems “big” there is one essential skill you need to learn and that is to master the art of chunking things down. No matter how big the task you can always break it down into smaller “bitesized” tasks. Smaller tasks are less overwhelming and more believable and therefore you are more likely to take action.
Feeling overwhelmed by the “size” of the task is almost always imagined – you make the task out to be too difficult or too big. Whenever anything is “too” you should realize three things and act on it: Firstly you are making it up as nothing can be too – trust that you always have the ability to deal with anything that comes across your path. Secondly whenever you perceive anything as "too" you should know that it is only your perception – you are controlling and directing (or misdirecting) your focusing in such a way that you feel overwhelmed. Your focus equals your reality. Focus on that which you can control. Thirdly, Chunk it down – break the too up into smaller tasks that is not too. Just do something that you feel you can comfortably do and by doing this you will build momentum.
You do not have to see the whole staircase, you just need to see the next step! If you want to drive a thousand miles at night you won’t see the destination and your headlights only allow you to see a hundred yards in front of you. If you keep focusing in front of you and what you can see you will eventually be able to travel great distances. This is also very true for your life and it will empower you to make great journeys. Just take that first step and next one will unfold and become “visible” as you move forward and take the next and the next until you wake up one day to look back on a mighty mountain that you climbed without even noticing. A world famous mountaineer was once asked “how do you do it?” his answer was profound: “step by step!”

www.The Self Improvement – All you I need is with me and within me right now. I can be, do and have whatsoever I want.